
Farewell 2006!

Last night for dinner I made THE MOST PERFECT egg white omelet in one of our new skillets, complete with a side of mixed veggies and a sweet potato sprinkled with a packet of Splenda and cinnamon. My omelet was perfect and round and golden, as beautiful as an omelet could possibly be. I think we should all take a moment here and give the incredible edible egg the respect it deserves.

Oh versatile and delicious egg, thank you for your protein-y goodness.


So, Sundry has a list of questions on her site that I am going to steal and answer on my own blog because I am both bored and highly unoriginal. Here goes:

1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Gave birth to a youngin'. And that ain't no walk in the park, y'all. (A moment of silence for my mother, who did that 6 times.) Edit: Uh, I did NOT give birth in 2006, it was Dec. 27, 2005! What the? See, motherhood makes you LOSE YOUR FUCKING MIND! Ok, so in 2006 I cared for a newborn, one that I created... never done that before!

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I honestly can't remember what last year's resolutions were, or if I even had any at all. This year I resolve to clean up my potty mouth and I would very much like to learn how to sip my alcoholic beverages instead of guzzling them like a frat boy.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Other than myself, nope.

4. Did anyone close to you die? No. A few people that I knew, but noone that I was especially close to.

5. What countries did you visit? I can hardly get out for a movie, much less another country. Maybe next year!?

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? A paying job!

7. What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? September 23, when D and I celebrated our first complete year of marriage. Also, Ethan's 1st birthday.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Somehow managing to adjust to having a newborn baby and moving away from my family and friends to another state. In other words: coping with life changes without losing my head.

9. What was your biggest failure? I wouldn't call anything a failure, but I sure underestimated what life is capable of throwing at you. 2006 was my year of digging deep for strength; now I am confident and ready to grab 2007 by the balls!

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? This time last year and into 2006 I was recovering from a third degree tear from birthing our son. I will never forget that pain, and I think I still might buy this shirt.

11. What was the best thing you bought? I'm starting to dislike these questions because I feel like I'm taking some sort of test and am failing miserably. I got most excited when we bought Ethan's puma sneakers. I'm serious.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Ethan's! Watching him grow and change every day of his life is reason enough to celebrate for me. Wine for everyone!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? A little man by the name of George W. Bush(wacker). And... learning more and more about global warming late this year made me appalled and depressed at our behavior and lack of willingness to make the changes necessary to start saving our planet. Did anyone else catch Last Days On Earth on the History channel last night?

14. Where did most of your money go? Straight to bills and living expenses. We made it! Also: DIAPERS.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Ethan's first Christmas and birthday. And any time I got to see my family!

16. What song will always remind you of 2006? How To Save A Life by The Fray

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? 
b) thinner or fatter? 
c) richer or poorer? a)happier! b)thinner! c)richer!

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? I coulda-shoulda laughed at life more than I did.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? I coulda-shoulda done less bitching and LESS DRINKING.

20. How will you be spending Christmas? Well... are these questions expired? I spent Christmas at my mother's house in Texas with Drew and Ethan. It was fabulous!

21. Did you fall in love in 2006? I fell in love with Drew and Ethan over and over again. How corny am I? But it's true!

22. How many one-night stands? None, except for that one time my husband and I were playing make-believe. I make an excellent hooker! (Kidding.) (Why aren't you laughing?)

23. What was your favorite TV program? Grey's Anatomy.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No!

25. What was the best book you read? Which Brings Me To You by Julianna Baggott & Steve Almond.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery? I don't think Baby Einstein counts, does it?

27. What did you want and get? I wanted to make it in Louisiana and be happy. Done!

28. What did you want and not get? I wanted some new Nike's and a heavy-duty blender. Also, an ipod. Whoa, my list is longer than I thought.

29. What was your favorite film of this year? Considering that I only got out for 2 (count 'em, TWO) movies this year, I'd have to say it was a tie between Capote and Jackass 2. Heh.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I went out to eat with one of my favorite people in the whole world, Megan. I turned 26.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having a girlfriend or two here in Louisiana. A couple of nights out with some other new-ish moms would have done wonders for my sanity.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? In the first half of the year I was lucky to get out of my spit-up crusted sweat pants and run a brush through my mop. And I'm pretty sure I spent the entire last half of the year in either my American Eagle jeans or one of my little denim skirts. Also, t-shirts and flip flops. Am low maintenance. Less is more.

33. What kept you sane? My mom. My poor, poor mom. Thank you for picking up the phone every 5 seconds!

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I would like to take this opportunity to show my love for Britney. Cut the girl some slack, y'all! I live in Louisiana and we ALL drive with our kids in our lap, it's practically state law here. Gawd.

35. What political issue stirred you the most? Global warming isn't being treated as a major political issue but it certainly should be. I feel like we're all turning our heads the other way and letting things go to total shit when it doesn't have to be that way. We are our own worst enemy in that sense, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

36. Who did you miss? My friends and family in Texas. Also, a handful of co-workers from my last job.

37. Who was the best new person you met? Justin! My youngest sister's new boyfriend is awesome. I'm happy she got a good one. He's a very lucky guy. :)

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006. Laughter makes everything better, and it's quite possible to find humor in everything. Even poopy diaper explosions.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Honestly? Ahem...

Ooooooooooh....Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob Squarepants!
Absorbant and yellow and pourous is he!
Spongebob Squarepants!
If nautical nonsense be something you wish,
Spongebob Squarepants!
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Spongebob Squarepants!
Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants,Spongebob Squarepants,Spongebob Squarepants!

Happy New Year everyone!

Catch Up

First, a brief diet and exercise report. I fully intended to continue posting my workouts and food on here during Christmas vacation, but honestly it was kinda nice to not have to scram to the computer each morning and robotically list everything like I'd been doing. I managed to find a happy middle ground with food. I ate plenty of egg whites and veggies and cottage cheese and oats, but I also ate Christmas candy and holiday fare and consumed my fair share of red wine and hot apple cider with rum. I'm proud to say that I worked out 5 of the 7 days we were gone, and 2 of those days I actually ran. At first I surprised myself with how long I could run without stopping, but after that I was constantly thinking this sucks, why am I doing this, gawd, running sucks, why do people do this, I would rather eat shit and die! When I finished the first run I felt amazing. The next day I was sore in places I did not realize could feel sore. The day after Christmas Drew and I braved the mall, and I painfully hobbled along like I was a hundred and fucking five years old. Wednesday night we decided to drink with family and friends because it was our last night in town. I had 2 wine glasses full of Merlot and then a double whiskey and diet coke. In a state of drunken panic I decided that the only way to make it through the rest of the night without passing out by 9 p.m. was to eat something, anything, and fast! My mom had prepared some leftover beef roast in gravy for dinner, so I happily gnawed on dead cow and curried fruit. Needless to say it didn't make me feel any better. I promptly passed out in my sister's room watching Father Ted by 10 p.m. I guess the beef bought me an extra hour, so all was not lost. Also, Father Ted is very, very funny. Anyway, what did I do the very next morning before we left? I got up and ran again, this time miraculously beating my time from the first run by almost 5 minutes. I had to somehow pay for my drinking sins, and that totally did the trick. It's all about balance, right? Right.


We had Christmas last night at Drew's parent's house and my gawd, we now need to move because we simply absolutely quite literally do not have enough room for all the stuff we got. Drew got some jeans and an electric razor. All rejoice, for my husband no longer looks as though he just climbed out of a dumpster! He is now smooth and baby faced and frankly just downright sexy. I got 3 Cathe dvds. 3 CATHE DVDS! I squealed like a little school girl when I opened them, and I'm quite sure everyone thought I'd gone mad. I can start out the new year doing Butts & Guts, Kick Max and Drill Max. I am beyond excited!!! We also got a deep fryer that doubles as a steamer (so that Drew can continue on his quest to clog his arteries completely before the age of 25 and I can enjoy freshly steamed tender-crisp vegetables), the most hardcore iron/steamer I have ever seen (can also be used as a weapon), and an 8-piece pot and pan set (so that after I work my butts and guts I can prepare the perfect egg white omelet, does it get any better than this?). Ethan got exactly eight hundred and fifty five million toys. He got this, this, this and this. And this. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I just can't keep track. In conclusion we were spoiled rotten by everyone this year, and we weren't even that good. Santa must have turned his back more than once, or he's simply cutting us a break. Thanks, Santa!

Note to Fisher Price and Little Tikes:

As a new-ish parent I find that I struggle greatly with removing my son's Christmas toys from their death-grip packaging. Do you have kids of your own? I will go ahead and assume that no, no you do not have kids of your own. Because if you did I am positive that you would discontinue the use of those hideous wire twisties that you use to bind each toy to it's cardboard box, and is all that damn tape really necessary? When my son is patiently waiting for me to open a toy for him, it should be a pleasant and exciting experience, not an experience of fright and terror because mommy is saying those naughty words again and veins are popping out of her forehead and she is hitting her head on the kitchen cabinet and asking god to please put her out of her misery and just open the fucking toy alreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyy.

Thanks, and Happy New Year!



Things Ethan can say:

Spongebob Squarepants
Daisy (from Mickey Mouse clubhouse)
Bye dada!
Bye daisy!

And a ton of jibberish that I cannot understand. Sure is cute, though! He shows little interest in walking unless someone is holding both his hands, so I'm thinking he'll be a late walker-early talker, and that's perfectly fine with me. He got 2 push-walkers for Christmas, and once he gets the hang of those I'm sure he'll realize that holy holy hell, I can get around on two limbs instead of four!? Freaking awesome! Then he'll tell me to get my own tater tots and trot off to his room to sketch ligers.


I'm kind of over posting my food on here. If I come up on a killer recipe I'll be sure to share it, but otherwise it's kind of boring same-old-same-old going on every day. Egg whites, cottage cheese, frozen veggies, a couple servings of fruit a day, oats, whole wheat toast with peanut butter, fish, chicken, lean beef, Barilla Plus pasta, basil pesto, omelets, etc.etc.etc. Thursday marked the start of week 9, and I missed my 8 week pics but plan to take them today or tomorrow instead. Better to have late pics than none at all. I'm really excited to see how my body has transformed at the end of 12 weeks with these pictures. Oh, and one more thing: there's nothing like compliments from family and friends to kick that motivation into turbo gear! Thanks everyone in Texas for the kind words. They are fuel to my fire! (Know that in my head I said fire like 'fie-ya', as I find that it takes that saying to a whole new level entirely.) Going forward I'd still like to drop another 10 pounds of ugly fat while working on strength gains. Cardio will consist of a day of intense intervals, one day of kickboxing, one day of regular step and possibly another day of running if I feel like being miserable. Tuesday I am starting a 3-day/week weight split using Cathe's Pure Strength series. Keep on keepin' on!


Ethan's 1st Birthday



More Pics

In Summary

Where do I begin?

  • Christmas was awesome. Santa was very good to us all this year.
  • Ethan turned 1. ETHAN TURNED 1!!!
  • !!!
  • My sister cut my hair and I will never go long again.
  • I had the shopping experience equivalent of a hundred and fifty orgasms at once. (Everything I tried on fit like a glove and made my ass look fantastic... I realize that this will never, ever happen again.)
  • Do not wear horizontal stripes in pictures. (DUH.)
  • More pics to come! Also, back to daily blogging.


Joy to the World

This morning Ethan woke up at 5 a.m. and would not stop screaming. It woke my mother, who insisted that she take Ethan for an hour or so while Drew and I catch up on sleep, but of course I couldn't go back to sleep. Instead I forced my mom to go back to bed and sat with E on the couch and watched Dumbo, fed him organic chocolate-chip graham cracker bunnies, fruit cubes and milk and reminded myself how cute he is (to keep from tossing him out into the freezing rain and returning to bed myself). The sounds that he was making this morning, the all-out screaming, can only be compared to what I imagine a cat would sound like while being skinned alive. I'm sure some of you actually heard it, and I apologize.

Happy Holidays to all!

I'm going off the rails on the crazy train, and no 7:26 a.m. is NOT too early for booze.


Life Lessons

Ethan LOVED facing forward in his carseat. I went back and forth and back and forth with whether or not to turn it around, made a mental list of the pluses and minuses, and while there were many legitimate reasons on the TURN IT THE FUCK AROUND side, the only thing listed on the DON'T DO IT side was "because they say to wait another week". THEY don't have to travel for 7 hours with a 1-year old.

My plan was to fill up my tank and cash a check on the way out of town. Sounds innocent enough, right? What could possibly go wrong? At the bank: I cashed the check, got my little envelope full of money and started to drive away when I realized the teller didn't give me back my license. I backed up and pushed the call button. It seemed the lady was gone, there was noone at the window. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally the lady came around the corner outside and up to the window of my car. She had locked herself out of the bank and was waiting for someone else to come unlock the door, someone that lived "Oh, a few minutes that way". Fuck ME! I tried to laugh it off and be all calm and joyful ('tis the season after all), but I could tell that my face screamed you idiot! are you fucking kidding me with this shit? I eventually got my license back and wished her a Merry Christmas and all that jazz.

At the gas station: Pumping. Pumping. Pumping. I decide to hold down the nozzle myself rather than use that little kickstand thing to make the gas pump as quickly as possible. Each moment wasted increases the chances that I'll have to pee again, Bogart will crap in my car and/or Ethan's head will explode. I notice that the total price for my gas is creeping unusually high. Pumping. Pumping. Pumping. Wow, I was really on empty. Pumping. Pumping. I look down to see gas pouring from my car, the shit had totally overflown. There was no click! It did not click! Isn't there supposed to be a click that actually stops the gas from pumping? Fuck ME! Money wasted, gas wasted. Fuckety fuckety fuck. I felt like a complete ass and pretended that gas gushing out around my feet was a totally normal part of the gas-getting experience.

On the road: 45 minutes into the drive I GOT.PULLED.OVER. for doing 59 in a 45. Today I will call the little number on the back of the ticket to claim my prize. Gah! The moral of the story is SLOW THE FUCK DOWN and BE PATIENT. I hope you all have learned your lesson.

Yesterday's Road Food

5 egg whites and a slice of whole wheat toast spread with 1 T. peanut butter
coffee and Splenda

more coffee and Splenda
an orange
3 oz. cold chicken breast strips (I LOVE COLD CHICKEN!)

2 lite string cheese
an apple

McDonald's Asian chicken salad with grilled chicken and lite balsamic dressing
black coffee

pure protein bar

1 oz. mixed nuts
green tea

Total cals: 1,345

Workout: 30 minutes step aerobics



Today is going to be one of those days, the kind of day where you wear an old ratty t-shirt all day and possibly forgo showering, the kind of day that I loooooove. There's a huge storm moving our way, and I actually quite enjoy dark, rainy, thunderstormy days. Today I plan on lifting weights when E takes his morning nap, packing, cleaning, packing, cleaning, and then maybe some packing with some possible cleaning thrown in for good measure. Tomorrow I aim to leave at around noon. I can't wait to see my family!

Ok, so... question. I really want to turn Ethan's carseat around to face forward today as I believe it will make our 8-hour drive much more enjoyable for him (and for me). The thing is, you're not supposed to turn a rear-facing carseat around until the child is both 1 year old AND 20 pounds. Now, Ethan will be 1 year old in exactly 1 week. And he's 20 pounds. So, do I break the golden carseat rule and go ahead and turn it the hell around? Or do I wait until we're coming home from Texas to do it, when he will actually officially be a year? Bah. Decisions, decisions. Also, bad parenting or good parenting? Selfishness at the expense of my baby's safety? Overreacting? Batshit crazy? Possibly all of the above.

I'm feeling fab and strong and healthy and just plain ol' freaking GOOD these days. I'm in need of a whole new wardrobe because I'm down to one single pair of pants that actually fit, and since I'm no longer breastfeeding my boobs just don't fill out my shirts like they used to. What was once full and voluptuous is now flat and deflated. It's sad, really. I'm thinking that BECAUSE I breastfed for nearly an entire year I should be rewarded with a permanetely perky and large-ish rack. Am I wrong? Unfortunately it seems the opposite is true. *shakes fist at the almighty yet unmerciful Boob Gods*

So, the picture is of the food I'm taking with me to my mom's house in Texas. I expect to relax my diet to some degree, but traveling is no reason to hog out or not eat enough. I am armed with 6 tins of light tuna, 3 salmon cups, 9 pre-portioned servings of mixed nuts, a small canister of oats, some sucralose packets, 5 protein bars and various snacks for lil' E. You can't say I don't prepare! I've asked my mom to get me some eggs, cottage cheese, frozen veggies, fruit and skinless chicken breasts. I am taking my weights and barbell with me and am actually considering lugging my step as well. I'm on such a freaking roll and have fallen in love with working out, I don't want to miss a beat! I'm going to try to take advantage of other forms of cardio while I'm there and give step aerobics a rest for a week, and I'll continue to kick ass with the weights. As long as I'm really making every workout count I won't feel as bad about making a meal out of cold chicken breast and red wine. Hey, that's a carb and a protein!

Yesterday's Grub

hi-fiber hi-protein french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
1/2 c. lo-fat cottage cheese with 1/2 c. pineapple and Splenda

3 oz. chicken breast strips and onion on a bed-o-lettuce with 2 T. lite dressing
a banana
diet rootbeer

2 lite string cheese
green tea

Cheat dinner (grandma-in-law's birthday):

2 diet cokes
2 chocolates

huge piece of skinless chicken with a tiny bit of stuffing
blob of mashed taters
loads of green beans with butter
2 crescent rolls (these were the most buttery and delicious things I have ever eaten!)

small square of birthday cake
cup of 2% milk

Total cals: No clue, was at 925 before dinner.

Workout: 25 mins. step aerobics



Baby Boy,

Oh, how you've grown! How you've changed! How you've somehow managed to take the words stinky diaper to a whole new level! You're almost 1 year old. It's crazy to think that this time last year, on this very day, I had high hopes of being induced. Those dreams were shattered when Dr. E checked out the scene and decided that you were still nestled and content in utero, that there was no need to induce and that you would come out when you were ready. This time last year I had already gone on maternity leave from work, we were moving out of our apartment and back into Grammy's house, and I was pretty much a swollen, beastly, hormonal and pregnant mess.

I spent Christmas last year hoisting my belly around, trying to be merry and cheerful and joyous. At the family get-together everyone kept telling me that I was glowing, that I looked fabulous, to enjoy this very pregnant time. I distinctly remember wanting to shove the Christmas tree straight up their asses, and maybe strangle someone with a string of Christmas lights for added effect. I somehow refrained, and 2 days later you were born.

This year has passed with one blink of my sleep-deprived eye. You are the brightest little star. You are filled with wonder and curiosity and innocence, mischief and love and laughter. Your cheeks are round and full and soft and warm, and I simply cannot kiss them enough. Your eyes are big and bright and blue, and they look into my soul. Your hair has grown into soft wispy curls, the exact same color as my own hair. Your smile is huge, open-mouthed and toothy, the most genuine thing I have ever seen. This time last year I had no idea what I was in store for, the very greatest experience of my entire life, the very best thing to ever happen to me. From the dimples in your little hands to the way you rub peanut butter in your hair so that it's impossible for me to get out, from your shockingly early tantrums to your love of books and blocks and SpongeBob SquarePants, you truly are my sunshine. If my heart bursts out of my chest and onto the floor from being filled with such an insane amount of love for you, I hope you've paid attention to where I keep the all-purpose cleaner and that you know how to work the child safety lock so that you can clean it up. I love you.



Yesterday's Food

coffee with Splenda
1/3 c. (dry) oats mixed with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese and Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
a scoop of whey protein in water
1 slice whole wheat toast with a T. of peanut butter

3 oz. salmon with 1/4 avocado, onion and lettuce
an orange
diet rootbeer

a pear
2 lite string cheese
1 lone homemade oreo truffle (was making them for gifts, had one and they are soooooo goooood!)
green tea

1 oz. Barilla Plus penne pasta with 1 T. basil pesto and 3 oz. chicken breast strips
steamed mixed veggies
green tea

Total cals: 1,590

Workout: Interval Max



Did anyone catch the new Family Guy last night? The cool whip scene had me laughing like a washed-out highschool stoner. I nearly peed my pants. That show is genius. Brilliant, I say!


Last night I went to vacuum out my car while Drew watched Ethan. I was driving the 55 mph speed limit on the main road home when I saw something in the middle of the road, something crumpled-looking and dark. It appeared to be a tarp that had fallen off of a truck, and I was on a dark, narrow two-way road, so I drove over the object but steered to where it would go under my car between the tires. It wasn't a tarp. IT WAS A FUCKING DOG. A dog that had just been hit and killed by someone else. So of course I didn't just glide by, I totally trampled that poor dog, my car clunked and thudded over it, which made the most horrible sound I have ever heard, EVER.

I panicked, froze, and pulled over. In the rear view mirror I saw a figure on the side of the street where the dog was. I turned around and drove back. There was a man, and by then he had removed the poor dog's body from the street. It was his dog, he had heard someone else hit it moments before, came outside and saw it in the road, was making his way over to it when here I fucking come out of nowhere and run it over again. Can you imagine? You just discover that your dog is dead in the middle of the street, and then before you can even start to take it all in another idiot drives through and runs it over again, this time right in front of your very eyes. I could not believe it. I rolled down the window and asked what had happened, told him how sorry I was and made him promise that I wasn't the one that killed it. I started bawling. I was sobbing so uncontrollably that the man approached my car, put his hand on mine and told me it was alright, to drive safely and be careful. CAN YOU IMAGINE? I know it wasn't my fault, it was dark, I was driving the speed limit, there are a million reasons in the world why I shouldn't feel as bad as I do, but I can't help it. I keep wondering if the man has kids, what would he say to them, how would he explain what happened?


Yesterday's Food

coffee and Splenda
5 egg whites
1 slice whole wheat toast spread with 1 T. peanut butter

more coffee and Splenda
1 scoop whey protein in water
a banana

egg salad (1 whole egg, 3 whites) made with lite mayo, mustard and onion on a bed of red leaf lettuce
an orange
diet rootbeer

an apple
2 lite string cheese
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts

small sweet potato with 1 T. basil pesto
5 ounce whiting filet
steamed mixed veggies (broccoli, 'shroom, pepper, corn, carrot mix)
green tea

Total cals: 1,535

Workout: Maximum Intensity Strength


Alrighty then! So, um... let's see. The pictures of me with a slice of delicious whole wheat peanut butter toast were taken early yesterday while eating my mid-morning snack. I decided that peanut butter toast just might be the most perfect and delicious snack in the entire universe, and I wanted to show my love with a photo documentary entitled 'Peanut Butter Toast: A Love Affair'. The other 2 pics are of us after the party. See how my eyes are all lit up with, uh... with the Christmas Spirit!? All twinkly like. And Drew? Well. He looks like he could totally lose it at any moment. Scary. Naturally I forgot to bring my camera to the party. Some highlights are as follows:

We arrived at 7:15. We drank beers. I pretended to know lots of people that I didn't remember from last time. The DJ, whom I have never met before, put on a slow song, pulled me on to the dance floor and slow-danced with me while Drew wandered off to check the score of the football game. I pretended to know someone I had never met before and embarrased the hell out of myself. She hugged me back and played along (I HUGGED HER!), and then Drew introduced us and it occured to me that I did not know her and I wanted to crawl into a hole and DIE. We left at 9:15. Again, it felt like we'd been gone for DAYS. What losers we are. But it was fun!

Yesterday's Grub

coffee and Splenda

1/3 c. (dry) oats with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, Splenda and cinnamon

1 scoop whey in water, 1 slice whole wheat toast spread with 1 T. peanut butter, more coffee and Splenda

3 oz. salmon with 1/4 avocado, onion and lettuce, and a tiny pear

banana, 2 lite string cheese and some green tea

2 beers, pre-party (Miller Lite)

3 beers, at the party (Miller Lite)

small plate of food, only what I really wanted (2 cookies, a scoopful of pasta and sausage, some pork something-or-other, a boudin ball, and one of those little pinwheel thingies made out of tortillas)

diet coke, lots of water, a large handful of pecans and green tea

Total cals: No clue, but I was at 1,550 after the alcohol.

Workout: 30 mins. step aerobics



So I wrote this looooong, sleep deprived post about last night and how I COULD.NOT.SLEEP. to save my life. About how after taking the decongestant my doctor gave me for 2 days, as directed, I was left feeling as though I'd spent weeks snorting thick, uncut lines of cocaine through a dirty dollar bill and drinking case after case of Redbull. I wrote a post about how I was so freaking wired out of my gord yesterday that when I tried to go to sleep my eyes were literally incapable of staying shut. My mind raced, and raced, and raced. I actually rehearsed some job interview questions OUT LOUD, made a mental grocery list and almost solved the world's energy crisis. I also had a pounding headache. Over and over and over again, with the banging and aching and pounding, right in the back of my skull. When both the dog AND Drew started to snore ridiculously loud, I gave up and moved to the couch. I rumaged through the medicine cabinet to find a single adult chewable aspirin to try and kill the headache. My sister had text messaged me, so I called her, and we didn't hang up until close to 12:30. I'm quite certain that I didn't actually fall asleep until somewhere around 1:30. Ethan woke up briefly at 3:30, and then D got up for work at ten till 6. I got up with him. I wrote a post about all of this, about how I am running on empty, on NEGATIVE energy. But then Ethan reached his tiny, precious, dimpled hand up to the keyboard and deleted the whole fricking thing.

When I woke up today I got Ethan breakfast, did my cardio while he ate, vaccumed, did dishes, drank some coffee, ate breakfast myself, played with Ethan, checked my email, put Ethan down for a nap, took a shower, straightened my hair, applied makeup, had a mid-morning snack, got Ethan up, fixed him a snack, finalized the grocery list, rushed to the bank before it closed at noon to make a deposit, dropped my car off for an oil change, grocery shopped ($108 worth of groceries!!!), picked up my car, tried to squeeze 18 million grocery bags into the back and passenger seats of my car because I forgot that my trunk was full of my husband's CRAP, drove home, unloaded the groceries, unloaded Ethan, fixed Ethan some lunch, put away the groceries, ate lunch myself, put Ethan down for a nap and then crawled into bed to try and nap myself. It STILL took me like 20 minutes to fall asleep. Dude. I'm almost considering crushing those decongestants into a fine powder and selling them on the street corner.

So tonight is the party, I am very excited, time is ticking and in exactly 2 hours we'll be baby-free and tipsy. WHOOt! Deck the halls! Hark the herald! Jingle bells, and stuff.

Yesterday's Food

coffee with Splenda
more coffee with Splenda
1 slice whole wheat toast spread with 1 T. peanut butter
5 egg whites

1/2 c. cottage cheese and 1/2 c. unsweetened pineapple, with Splenda

an orange
3 egg whites and 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. lite mayo, mustard and onion on a bed of lettuce
diet pepsi

an apple
2 lite string cheese
green tea

28 g whole wheat rotini mixed with 1 T. basil pesto
5.5 oz. chicken breast, broiled with yummy spices
the most steamed green beans that anyone has ever eaten, EVER
green tea

1 chewable aspirin, blech

Total cals: 1,320

Workout: Nil, still recovering and doing that whole 'listen to your body' thing, psh.



So I apologize for the crappy picture-of-a-picture of Ethan on Santa's lap, but if you can see his face it's pretty funny. He almost looks stoned, and also like he's testing the safety of Santa's lap by holding onto his beard for dear life and leaning towards the hard tile floor below. This was a spur-o-the-moment freebie at freaking Wal-Mart, so I didn't expect a whole lot. It cracks me up every time I look at it.

On that scary, scary plate is what my husband ate for dinner the other night. When I came into the kitchen and saw it I just could not resist taking a picture. It's almost like if you happen to have your camera with you and you see a flying pig, you can't believe it, you must capture it on film. Behold, a nutritionist's worst nightmare: a million tater tots smothered with a can of regular mystery meat chili with beans and 4 slices of full-fat processed cheese. That's 280 calories of cheese alone, so this meal really is ridiculous. He did bake the tater tots instead of frying them, which might mean he'll die at 29 instead of 27. I hope he lives those extra 2 years to the fullest. I am SO on his ass about his eating habits. I now take the "I am concerned for your health baby you just can't eat like that and be healthy!" approach instead of my old "Oh my god that is disgusting you're not seriously thinking of eating that are you?" method. Yeah.

So the highlight of my doctor visit yesterday was being weighed and discovering that I've lost 10 pounds. That's roughly 1.5 pounds lost each week, a reasonable and safe rate of weight loss. 10 more pounds and I'm at goal! As of today I'm no longer nursing, so I expect my weight loss to slow down a bit. Plus, it's the holidays. Plus, the closer you are to goal the slower things move. I know this, so I won't shoot myself if in another 6 weeks I haven't dropped another 10 pounds. But, I'm happy to say that I'm more motivated than ever to keep on trucking, to plan and tote some of my own food to my mom's for Christmas, to make every workout really count. I haven't lost my mojo, which is awesome.

Speaking of no longer nursing, um... I'm not sure why I always think that certain things don't apply to me, but... the nurse said the steroid shot would dry my milk up, and my gawd was she right. By yesterday evening, not having nursed Ethan for over 12 hours, my poor boobs shriveled up and died. A pitiful excuse for a rack. And this morning, skipping his morning session for the first time, no engorgement whatsoever. Which is great, because engorgement sucks hairy nuts, but... I don't know. I guess I'm still a little sad about it. It hasn't phased Ethan in the least bit, so our time had come. Now, time for breast implants!

Tomorrow we have a paaaaaarty to go to, a Christmas paaaaaaaarty. I am SO EXCITED. I'll probably have a few beers, but I do believe I'll be staying away from the miles and miles of food that will be there. And when I say a few beers, I really mean three-ish, not eight. I promise.

Yesterday's Food

coffee with Splenda*
hi-fiber hi-protein french toast with sugar free syrup

more coffee with Splenda

1 cup lo-fat cottage cheese with 1/2 c. unsweetened pineapple and Splenda
green tea

a very small but delicious orange
3 oz. lean steak strips with red onion on a bed of red leaf lettuce topped with 2 T. light golden caesar dressing
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts

sweet potato with 1 T. basil pesto
5 oz. whiting filet
steamed mixed veggies
green tea

1 sugar cookie

Total cals: 1,640

Workout: None, resting & recovering from the fucking Plague

*I am cutting my Splenda consumption in half. I always use 2 packets of the stuff in my coffee and wherever else needs sweetening, but I'm now only going to use 1. Pat me on the back, please.


$90 Later...

Naturally I scheduled my doctor appointment right smack dab in the middle of Ethan's usual morning nap. OF COURSE I DID, and you're not a bit surprised, are you? I didn't really realize this until we got there and I thought oh craaaaap, he should be sleeeeeeping right noooooow. The rest of my day is shot to heeeeeeeeeell. I also accidentally arrived 30 minutes early, since I'd never been to this doctor before and didn't know where I was going. $90 later I have a shot in my ass, a 7-day course of Biaxin XL and some decongestant, not too shabby considering I don't have health insurance at the current mo'. (But Ethan does, don't worry.) Today is quite obviously a rest day. Thankfully I'm already starting to feel a little bit better. Yay!

I also just want to mark down that today is the last day I'll be breastfeeding E. We're done! Finished! It's the end of the road, time to retire the twins. I had planned to drop our one remaining feeding on Sunday, but this steroid shot will likely dry up my milk completely and it's only 2 days ahead of schedule. I think it all worked out really nicely. I can't believe how easy weaning has been. I got lucky in every aspect of breatfeeding, from the minute Ethan latched on fresh from the womb up until this morning (almost 12 months later!), when he reluctantly nursed for like .25 seconds before deciding that psh, he had much better things to do, like eat dry cereal and watch Little Einsteins. My only complaint is that I didn't get to nurse him for the last time knowing that it would be the last time. Gah, this is actually choking me up a little. I'm going to go weep in a corner somewhere now.

Mama's Orders


101 degrees.

Am going to the doctor.

This morning.


My mama's orders.

I wish she was here.

To fix me some tea.

And tuck me in.

Moms are awesome.

(So are friends who are concerned with your excessive Splenda intake and lack of veggies.)

Good thing typing doesn't require talking.

Talking hurts.


Yesterday's Food

5 egg whites
1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 T. peanut butter
coffee with Splenda

scoop of whey in water
coffee with Splenda

3 oz. light tuna with 1/4 avocado, onion and lettuce
an orange
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese
green tea

3 oz. lean beef strips mixed with 2 oz. Barilla Plus penne pasta and 2 T. chunky salsa
a ton of steamed mixed veggies
green tea

Total cals: 1,410

Workout: MIS



Yesterday I had a migraine, my very first migraine EVER. So, I'm no longer a migraine virgin. I lost my migraine virginity. Sorry, mom. If 'the lights are weirdly too bright and my head is pounding and my eyes are hurting and I feel like I'm gonna hurl oh gawd I simply can't go on' are signs of a migraine, I'm pretty sure that's what I had. Or, perhaps, a very severe sinus pressure headache?


This morning I woke up and my left gland (why does that sound dirty to me?) (what am I, like, 12?) (and it never gets old either) was swollen and tender in the absolute most painful of ways. Each time I swallow (ok, that's too easy) it honestly feels like I'm swallowing fucking razor blades or something. But only on the right side; the left side seems fine. My right ear also seems to have issues, like there's a little mouse living in there or something, and my right nostril, you guessed it, is filled with a thick bright green goo. Blowing my nose (just the one nostril, mind you) projects a sound like something is dying, something that has been suffering for a long, long time and is finally letting out it's last few cries of misery and pain to the world before slipping away to... whatever comes next. Anyway, it's not a pretty sound, and every time I do it Ethan looks at me like what the... hey, uh... having some trouble there, girlscout? Any way you could STOP long enough for me to watch The Doodlebops? Please? Gawd! Parents these days... If there's a spot in his babybook for the 'First Time Baby Looks At Parent(s) In Total Disgust', today's the day to mark down.


I'm going back and forth with whether or not to do my planned weight workout. I hate this indecisive state, where I don't want to make myself worse by over-exercising but don't know if I'll be even worse tomorrow and then I'll have missed my chance, I don't want to be a wuss, I want to listen to my body, but my body says snot sucks, and your throat is killer. Working out would probably suck to some degree, but you COULD do it. Conclusion: I will attempt said workout and if I feel as though I am going to pass out or if I start to feel feverish, I will stop. So that's THAT. *dusts hands off and grabs another cuppa coffee* Edit: Instead of showering like a normal person during Ethan's morning nap today, I completed MIS in it's entirety and actually kicked some major ass. I was unable to complete as many pushups and barbell bench presses as I normally can, however I WAS able to do all of the reverse flies for the first time EVER, and the tricep dips at the end made me want to hurl, but in a good way. I feel better now, but I fear that is only because the fabulous feeling I call the 'after-tingles' is coursing through my entire body. Once the post-weight tingles are gone I hope that I don't feel worse. Now, when the hell am I going to shower???


I am ever so excited to go back to Texas to see my family for Christmas. I'm even more excited for them to see Ethan. If he changes daily to me, he's probably like a completely different little person to them after going months between visits. Every time we return home my little brothers immediately run up to us and ask So, can Ethan do anything COOL yet?, to which I'll roll up my sleeves and reply Heh, can he! He can say BO and BA and SAW and shake his head NO, and he can play the drums and dance better than The Artist Formerly Known As Prince (or has he changed that back?), and that's only the tippety-tip of the iceberg, lil' bros. They will look down to see Ethan eating a piece of lint off the floor, silently shrug and return to their room. Hrmph.


Yesterday's Eats

1/3 c. (dry) oats mixed with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, cinnamon and Splenda, and coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda

1 c. canned unsweetened pumpkin mixed with 1/2 c. cottage cheese, Splenda and cinnamon (I AM SO GOING TO DIE FROM A SUCRALOSE OVERDOSE) (BUT LET ME POINT OUT THE NUTRITIONAL POWERHOUSE THAT IS PUMPKIN... TONS OF FIBER, LOW CALS, VITAMINS GALORE... two health-crazed thumbs up!)

3 egg whites plus 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. lite mayo, mustard and onion on a bed-o-lettuce, plus an apple and diet mountain dew

coffee with Splenda (I drank this and then fell asleep on the couch... did I buy Decaf by mistake?)

an orange and 2 lite string cheese, green tea

homemade sweet potato fries made with 1 small sweet potato and a teaspoon of olive oil and random spices, baked for 20 mins. at 425 degrees... 5 oz. whiting filet... broccoli and cauliflower... green tea

a rat-bastard piece of fudge... fortunately (and UNfortunately) my friend only sent me 7 or 8 squares and they're gone now, so I'm pretty proud that I only ate 2 pieces in 2 days. I'm quite certain that I could've kicked back the entire container in one sitting... :) (IT WAS THAT GOOD MEGHAN!)

Total cals: 1,515 (even with that evil fudge!)

Workout: 30 minutes step aerobics, complete with snot dripping down my nose and everything! Sexy!



I feel like a big fat slimy slug is lodged in my sinuses. My eyes hurt, my head hurts, this is no fun at all. No fun at all!

I missed my workout yesterday and took it easy since I was still feeling crappy, and then this morning I decided to work the hell out because I was sort of in limbo. Now, after cleaning the kitchen and taking a shower, I feel horrible. What the HELL is going on?

Yesterday's Grub

1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 T. peanut butter
5 egg whites
coffee and Splenda

more coffee and Splenda

1 c. canned unsweetened pumpkin mixed with 1/2 c. cottage cheese, cinnamon and Splenda

3 oz. salmon, 1/4 avocado, onion and lettuce
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese
green tea
slice of banana bread*

5.5 oz. broiled chicken breast
a ton of steamed mixed veggies
green tea
1 small square of fudge*

Total cals: 1,605

Workout: sick, took E for a walk and did a few minutes of yoga

*My friend Meghan from Oregon sent me some of her practically famous banana bread and orange fudge. I had to sample it, without a doubt. It was sensational.



Have y'all seen this? Un-freaking-real.


Yesterday I woke up feeling a little off, and by late afternoon I had a fever of 100.8. Boo! I can't remember the last time I had a fever, it's literally been years. That freezing cold under 18 blankets one minute then sweating buckets the next feeling just plain blows. Taking care of an almost 1-year old when you feel that way also blows. Getting into an arguement with your husband while trying to take care of an almost 1-year old while you feel that way reaaaaaaally blows. I took some Tylenol for the fever (when really the only true cure was MORE COW BELL) and that went away, but now my throat is all swollen to hell AGAIN. Bah!


While I was lying on the couch during Ethan's afternoon nap dozing off and on, I half-watched Dr. 90210. This particular episode featured porn star Tabitha Stevens getting yet another surgery, this time to have "dimples" removed from the back of her thighs. The plan was to use cadaver tissue and fat to give her glutes a smoother look. It loosely followed her and her significant other to give a little glimpse into her life, and she said that she usually walks sideways when naked in front of him so that he can't see the back of her legs. WE WILL NEVER BE HAPPY. Period. Tabitha Stevens has not an ounce of fat on her body (but plenty of silicone and whatever the hell else!) and she's a freaking porn star, yet she is STILL insecure in the bedroom. She seems sweet, but honestly if I were here I'd be more worried about her plastic-like appearance and her alien/cat-woman face than a few puckers on the back of the leg. It also got me thinking sheesh, cellulite really sucks. Thin women (and men!) have it, bigger women (and men!) have it, the majority of people have it to some degree. You tend to forget that when every picture you see of a model or celebrity has been airbrushed all to hell. I've kind of stepped back and re-evaluated my goals as far as what I want and expect my body to look like, because I don't want to feel like hanging myself if I lose another 10 pounds and the imperfections I constantly pick at and stress about are still there. (There will always be something!) That's one thing that really appeals to me about Nigella; she seems so comfortable in her skin, so unapologetic for being voluptuous, and as she damn well should be. Her confidence and the way she carries herself is just plain sexy. I am enjoying my healthy eating and exercising, but it is so very easy for that ultra-fine line between healthy living and obsession with perfection to blur or even dissappear altogether. I think that's especially true when you have a history of an eating disorder, and I'll be damned if I fall back into that trap again. Just some food for thought (mmm, food...).


Last night I dropped E's evening breastfeeding session, so now we're down to once a day. I can't believe it. I can't believe that next week we will be closing this tender-nippled chapter of our lives. He is doing amazingly well with it. He's just... gah, he's such a great little guy. He's growing and changing every damn day. He can say a handful of words now, like "Bo" for our dog Bogart and "Saw" for something that's soft. He loves to read, loves for me to point out shapes and colors and textures. He watches the same cartoons each morning and dances and claps and stomps his feet to every song. He feeds himself and drinks from his sippy cup independently now with no problem, like he soooo does not need me for anything anymore, gawd mom piss off! He lives for bath time. Still loves to terrorize the dog. He's not walking yet but can stand for a few moments without holding on to anything, but that's only when he doesn't realize he's doing it. The moment he discovers that he has no support he falls to his knees out of panic, like what the hell, what was that all about? His father and I should probably spend more time walking him around the house and back and forth to each other. I'm starting to accept that Ethan WILL walk eventually, that I can't keep him caged in his crib and crawling around the house on all fours through his college years. What a shame. Anyway, I'm really going to miss him when I go back to work. I don't want to miss anything.

Yesterday's Food

1/3 c. (dry measure) oats mixed with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, cinnamon and Splenda
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
1/2 c. lo-fat cottage cheese
1/2 c. Splenda-sweetened fruit cocktail
1 oz. mixed nuts

3 egg whites and 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. lite mayo and mustard and onion, on a bed of lettuce
an orange
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese
green tea

5 oz. whiting filet
sweet potato with 1 T. margarine
brussel sprouts and green beans
green tea

1 sugar cookie (gasp!)

Total cals: 1,635

Workout: sick/rest day, took Ethan for a walk (which made me feel worse thankyouverymuch)


It kiiiiiinda looks like he's watching t.v. in every photo, huh? Well. He probably is. But only the really good educational stuff, like The Doodlebops (I lost that battle), Charlie & Lola and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And Little Einsteins. And Handy Manny. And Barney. And Teletubbies. Perhaps I should re-evaluate my method of baby distraction? What can I say, we're both big fans of Playhouse Disney and PBSKids. I sing the Little Einsteins theme song during diaper changes, dream about the Teletubbies and hum the hotdog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse twelve-thousand times a day. I know EVERY.SINGLE.WORD. to EVERY.SINGLE.SONG. Sanity is slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. I will most definitely need to lock both Ethan AND myself in a padded room for several uninterrupted hours and play nothing but Pink Floyd and Smashing Pumpkins nonstop to undo the damage.


I was showing our neighbor this tasty tidbit of Britney Spears (uh, it's X rated, I warned you and you've probably already seen it DON'T LIE I KNOW YOU HAVE!) when he told me he didn't know she'd had 2 kids. I sat there blinking at him for a few moments and briefly considered kicking him out of our house. Later in the day Drew said "I didn't know that Angelina and Brad had a baby together...". I am starting to think that not everyone follows celebrity trash gossip as closely as I do. Or have those two been living under a rock for an extended period of time? You can hardly buy a pack of gum at the corner store these days without being updated on the latest celeb news just by reading the covers of the magazines at the counter. I mean, really.


I have a new girl crush, one that quite possibly beats out my love for Kat from Miami Ink. I finally watched Nigella Feasts on the FoodNetwork last night. She's been around for awhile and has several best-selling books under her belt, but holy hell. This woman makes food seem like the most sensual thing in the world. She's curvy and sultry and has that accent. Part of me wants to be her best friend and the other half of me almost wants to kiss her. She's amazing. She cooks fabulous dishes, enjoys her food and has a snappy sense of humor. While she was making shephard's pie last night and said something along the lines of "it's really a beast of a meal", I was immediately hooked. And after she pulled out a huge slab of beef to cook for a Christmas party, put her hands around it and went on and on about how gorgeous, how delicious, how perfect it was, I knew I was in love.

Yesterday's Grub

1 slice whole wheat toast spread with 1 T. peanut butter
5 egg whites
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
scoop of whey protein in water
small apple

3 oz. salmon mixed with 1/4 avocado and onion on a bed of red leaf lettuce
an orange
coffee with Splenda (do I drink too much coffee? 3 cups a day is normal, right?)

a medium banana
2 lite string cheese
green tea

the last of my beef pasta stuff
green beans and broccoli and cauliflower
green tea

Total cals: 1,380

Workout: Maximum Intensity Strength



I keep a standard grocery list on the computer that I refer to when writing up the shopping list each week. I tend to need many of the same items every week, and this makes it easy to put my list together and prevents me from forgetting necessities. Since I am completely OCD, ADD, AC/DC, ABCDEFG (label me what you will), I first write a rough draft of my list, then I might cross some stuff off here, add something there, decide to get beef instead of turkey, etc. When I'm finished editing my draft (why does that sound dirty to me?) I then write a final copy on a nice clean piece of paper and list the items in order according to the layout of the grocery store. (I know, who has time for that shit? Again, OCD, ADD, ABCDEFG...) On average we tend to spend about $70 a week. Is that excessive? Since you asked (haha), here's my list from today:

  • 5 apples
  • 5 oranges
  • 5 bananas
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 bags of red leaf lettuce
  • 4 sweet potatoes
  • 5 bags of frozen veggies
  • a bag of frozen whiting filets
  • 2 totinos pizzas
  • 1 box garlic cheese stuffed breadsticks
  • a bag of frozen tater tots
  • 6 oz. ready-to-use Tyson beef strips
  • box of Lipton cranberry-pomegranate green tea
  • 3 pouches of ready-to-use salmon
  • box of cheddar goldfish crackers
  • can of peaches in heavy syrup
  • can of Splenda sweetened fruit cocktail
  • can of mandarin oranges in light syrup
  • can of pineapple in unsweetened juice
  • pancake and waffle syrup
  • package of bacon
  • bag of cinnamon-sugar mini multigrain cakes
  • bag of white cheddar mini soy crisps
  • bag of cinnamon toast crunch cereal
  • 2 liter of diet pepsi
  • 2 liter of diet mountain dew
  • bag of sour cream and cheddar lays
  • 4 rolls of toilet paper
  • package of freeze-dried apple cubes (baby food aisle)
  • container of baby wipes
  • 2 1/2 dozen large eggs
  • 2 containers of 1% cottage cheese
  • 6-pack of YoBaby yogurt
  • 1 package of Frigo Light string cheese

All of this came to $72. It's not too much, is it? I must say that I'm kind of a cart snob. I pride myself in pushing around a cart full of fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and minimal junk (all of which was for D, bless his slowly deteriorating heart). My cart could always be better, no doubt. But I am absolutely floored by the number of people that cram their carts full of nothing but frozen junk meals, cookies, sugary cereals, chips, sodas, ice cream. Not in moderation, either. That's ALL they buy. Nary a vegetable or piece of fruit in site. Poor lonely veggies! There there, sweet fruit! I will remain true to thee!


Since I'm, uh, human and stuff, I had my cheat meal last night instead of tonight. We weren't able to find a babysitter for tonight anyway, and we went to visit Drew's family last night and ended up staying for dinner. When D's mom brought out the eggnog and whiskey, I decided to indulge because I HEART EGGNOG so very very much! I'm still looking for a shirt with that printed across the chest.

Yesterday's Food

Hi-fiber, hi-protein french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda

chocolate protein latte

2 iced sugar cookies (I made them myself! Am so very proud!)
carrot and celery sticks
3 egg whites plus 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. basil pesto and onion
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese

Free Meal:
lots of eggnog with Southern Comfort
a few swigs from a can of beer (could not bare to drink the whole thing, blech)
2 helpings of my MIL's broccoli-chicken-rice-cheese casserole
3 sugar cookies and a cuppa milk
a Snickers bar

Sound like a lot? I always read this when I feel like oinking.

Total cals: I have no clue. Lots, but that's ok.

Workout: 30 minutes step aerobics



At this very moment Ethan is yelling "Mamamamamamamamama, mamamamama! MAMA!" from his crib hoping that I'll rescue him from the torture I've inflicted upon him, also known as the afternoon nap. Gawd. Baby's have it SO HARD, right?


I made sugar cookies from scratch this afternoon, and the directions did not lie when they said "mix until a stiff dough forms". Nothing like struggling to stir cookie dough to put you in your place and make you feel like a total wuss. Betty Crocker must have had arms of absolute steel.


Was anyone else upset last night when My Name Is Earl went on for an entire HOUR and The Office never came on? And then when you thought to yourself 'well, at least an all new Grey's Anatomy comes on next!' you got all excited and brushed your teeth and changed into your jammies only to snuggle up on the couch with a cup of green tea TO WATCH A RE-RUN? Boo!


I am going to have to retire my favorite American Eagle jeans after today because they are literally hanging off of me. I can slide them on and off with ease without unbuttoning them, and while this is a good thing it also makes me kind of sad. They were the perfect jeans; the pockets made my ass look just right and they had the perfect amount of stretch to them, the color was fabulous and they went with everything. RIP, favorite jeans, for I vow to never fit into you again. (But I still love you. You were very, very good to me. Thank you for our wonderful time together.)


If anyone knows when the old school Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer claymation movie comes on, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I look forward to watching this every stinkin' year and I will cry if I miss it. Why don't they air that seventeen hundred times instead of It's A Wonderful Life? Huh? And I see that they've redone the Rudolph story, tsk tsk! Why are we always trying to improve things that DO NOT NEED IMPROVING? WHY? You can't perfect perfection. You just can't. (Look what I just found online! Must have. Muuuuuust haaaaaaave noooooow....)


Yesterday's Food

5 egg whites
1 slice whole wheat bread with 1 T. peanut butter
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda

cuppa coffee mixed with 1 c. 1% milk and a scoop of chocolate whey (from now on referred to as chocolate protein latte, heh)

3 oz. light tuna mixed with 1/4 avocado and onion on a bed of lettuce
the most juicy and delicious orange I have EVER had, a real orgasm for the tastebuds
diet coke

2 lite string cheese
green tea

5 oz. tilapia (how DO you spell that?) filet with lemon pepper and garlic
1 oz. Barilla Plus penne pasta mixed with 1 T. basil pesto
steamed mixed veggies (asaragus, broccoli, red pepper, carrot & squash blend)
green tea

Total cals: 1,340

Workout: 40 minutes step aerobics



Ethan worked up a hefty diaper this morning right around the time I was cooking an eggwhite omelet and peanut butter toast. I made the unfortunate but necessary decision to change him before I ate, and as I peeled back the tabs from his soiled Pampers I realized I had made a mistake. The stench singed my eyelashes and peeled the blue paint right off Ethan's bedroom walls. How can something so revolting, something so outrageous, a smell so unpleasant that I simply cannot find a way to convey it's odor, come from such a cute and perfect and soft little bum? How? Drew literally gags and makes the most exaggerated 'I just ate a lemon' face I have ever seen when he changes a diaper like that (which is quite rare, I'd like to point out). I'm assigning him diaper duty on his day off less and less lately because the man just can't handle it. If I pawn Ethan's stinky ass off on D and wander off to tend to something else, 10 out of 10 times I hear "Babe, BABE! HELP! He stuck his hand in it! Oh, man! Ethan! Ethan, stop! Awwwww......" Naturally I feel as though I've perfected the art of diaper changing, and time and time again I show D how it's done:

Pull out eighteen wipes and BRACE YOURSELF.
Undo diaper.
Use the inside front portion to wipe away as much offensive matter as possible.
Use entire wipe on messy area.
Fold wipe in half and wipe again.
Fold wipe in half again and repeat.
Wedge soiled wipe in dirty diaper.
Repeat with as many wipes as necessary until baby is fresh and clean.
And then, obviously, smack a fresh diaper on that baby's ass unless you're feeling particularly daring that day.

Maybe I should make an illustrated, step-by-step instructional poster to hang above E's changing table? At this point it's just easier for me to do the diaper changing. Hey, maybe Drew is just acting like he doesn't know what he's doing so he won't have to do it anymore? (gasp! I've cracked the case!!!) He keeps asking when do we start potty training him? I always tell him at around 2.5-3 years old, whenever Ethan seems ready. This BLOWS DREW'S MIND. He simply cannot fathom wiping feces from another human's ass for that long. I won't tell him that soon Ethan's poo will come nicely packed in log (uh, adult) form. Frankly that creeps me out a little, too.


Is it weird to clean the bathroom naked while you Nair your bikini line? Because when you only have a small block of baby-free time and you want to keep the bathroom sparkling and the bush wacked, what's a girl to do? It's multi-tasking at it's finest if you ask me.


I've been doing lots of reading about calories and fitness and weight loss and muscle gain, particularly this, this, this and this. (wheew!) I've decided that I either need to bump up the calories a bit or start zig zagging things. The worst thing I can think of is achieving my weight loss goal but then only being able to putter along at a mere 1,400 calories a day because my metabolism adjusted. If my calculations are correct, I can eat over 2,200 calories a day on workout days and maintain my current weight. And since I'm still nursing*, that number creeps even higher. If you're interested in weight loss and calories, it's quite useful to calculate your basal metabolic rate and total daily energy expenditure every once in awhile. It really helps to put things into perspective and gives you more insight to tweak things for optimal results. On the other hand, if numbers drive you loco, don't bother.

Today starts week 6 of total ass kicking and I'm feeling great. I've been working out on and off since 6th grade (I am so not kidding, I did a Jane Fonda workout tape every day the summer before 6th grade to lose my baby fat, and I read this book cover to cover more than once. NO WONDER I ended up with an eating disorder! Sadly, it started young.) ANYWAY! I've never really pushed myself like I am now. And it feels awesome. I'm really seeing how when you push your body to it's limits and beyond, eventually you adapt. That means getting stronger, being able to do more, lift more, go faster, go longer. I love it. I also notice being in better shape during non-workout activities, like getting up from the floor after playing with Ethan, or bending over to pick him up, or going up a flight of stairs. I feel gooooooood. I've almost (ALMOST) inspired Drew to start working out, too. He's creaky and stiff and has got a little more padding than he'd like, and he is thiiiiiiiiiiis close to biting the bullet and JUST DOING IT. My fingers are crossed. That would be awesome. We're like night and day when it comes to food and exercise, and it would be so much fun to work out and cook together. Baby steps. One thing at a time. I recently got him to stop frying everything that's not nailed down, so that is progress.

As for food, I'm going to start zig zagging to keep things revved up and the engine purring. That means a couple of higher cal days, some really low days and a few medium days, with a free meal thrown in the mix for good measure. I think this Saturday D and I are going to try to go out for dinner. The Saturday after that we have a Christmas party to attend. Y'all here that? They're letting me out of my cage 3 weekends in a row! Raaaaaawr!

Yesterday's Food

1/3 c. (dry measure) oats with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, cinnamon and Splenda
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
1 scoop whey protein in water

3 egg whites and 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. lite mayo and mustard and onion on a bed-o-lettuce
diet mountain dew

2 lite string cheese
Kashi flaxseed granola bar
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts

1 serving of that beef pasta stuff
steamed broccoli and cauliflower
green tea

Total cals: 1,745

Workout: active rest day, took E for a walk and cleaned

*Ethan is doing surprisingly well with weaning! We now nurse once in the early morning and again before bed, and Sunday I'm going to drop the evening feeding. I'm probably 2 weeks away from having my boobs back to myself after being a walking milk bar for over 11 months. This calls for a lingerie shopping spree, if you ask me.



This year my excitement about Christmas seems to be newly restored. This has always been my favorite time of year, but the fact that not very long ago I was a kid anxiously awaiting Santa's delivery also makes this a semi-depressing time of year, a reminder of my age and I don't want to grow up and all of that nonsense. Having a wee one around brings the Christmas Spirit back to life. I am so very excited to see his eyes light up at the site of new toys left 'round the tree on Christmas morning. And it's not just about the toys, I know... I'm probably most excited about being able to start a whole new set of family traditions for, gulp, my very own family. (Is it weird that I still trip on this fact? That I'm a mom and a wife? Sheesh.) I hope to make Christmas as special and as magical a time as my parents did for me.

Every Christmas Eve my family would attend mass, then we'd head to my Gram's house for a family dinner. I remember my Gram would always make her anise cookies, her warm fruit compote with walnuts, bananas and cherries, and her chocolate fudge cookies. The adults would drink red wine and the house would be filled with laughter. I would sit at the kid's table to eat. After dinner we'd gather 'round the Christmas tree and work our way through the massive sea of gifts. I specifically remember my Gram having her house lit just right; not too bright, not too dark, and appropriately decorated with just the right amount of Christmas cheer. The floor would pile up with crumpled wrapping paper, we'd all kiss and hug and say our thank-yous. At the end of the night everyone would leave with a car load of toys, books and clothes.

That night before bed each child in my family (there are 6 of us total) would get a huge piece of white paper and make a "sign" for Santa with our name on it, alerting him to where we wanted him to leave our gifts. We'd each pick a spot in the living room near the tree and post our signs. We'd leave out a plate of cookies and milk, and a carrot for the reindeer. We'd giggle with glee (yes, that sounds hokey, but we totally giggled and were absolutely filled with something that can only be described as glee) and snuggle into bed. Morning never came soon enough.

At the crack of dawn one of us would wake up, then they'd wake someone else up, then all the kids would be up. Santa would hide our loaded stockings somewhere in each of our rooms, and we'd help each other find them. They were always filled with a small gift, tons of candy and an orange or tangerine. Then we'd march into our parent's room to pounce on them and get them up! up! out of bed nooooow, we want to see what Santa left!!!

My dad always went out into the living room first. He wanted to get in a spot where he could take a picture of our faces the minute we entered the room and saw our gifts. Daaaaad, come ON. Let us come out now!!! He'd give us the ok and we'd run to our signs where Santa left us the goods. It was really a lot of fun. Noone was ever disappointed. My parents were good to us, never going overboard but always giving us what we really wanted. I'll always have fond memories of Christmas as a kid. I miss it. I can't wait for Ethan to experience it.

Yesterday's Food

Hi-protein hi-fiber french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee and Splenda

coffee and Splenda mixed with a scoop of whey and 1 cup of 1% milk

3 oz. salmon mixed with 1/4 avocado and onion on a bed of lettuce
diet mountain dew and green tea

2 lite string cheese
more diet mountain dew (I love this stuff too too tooooo much!)

5.5 oz. chicken breast, broiled with spices and topped with (brace yourselves) 1 T. peanut butter... (it's really, really, really good. I promise.)
steamed asparagus blend veggies (asparagus, broccoli, red pepper, squash, carrots)
green tea

1 cup fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt mixed with 1 T. chocolate malt powder

Total cals: 1,575

Workout: MIS, baby!



Every time I sign in to blogger I skip the whole switch-to-blogger-in-beta option thingie whatsit because I trust nothing, I fear change and am convinced that switching things will suck my blog into a giant cyberspace hole, never to be seen again. I'm probably overreacting though, right? Which is so totally unlike me. (Snort, snort.)

Ok, so I have some questions for those of you that know and/or own a baby around the same make and model as Ethan.

How much do they eat? Are they picky? Do you fear that they aren't eating or drinking enough? Do you go out of your way to offer a full spread of baby-friendly grub each day? Are you constantly offering snacks and drinks JUST TO BE SURE they aren't hungry and starving to death? Are you as out of your mind about this as I am???

See, Ethan is in the ninth (yes, that's 9th... NINTH!) percentile for his weight. He shot up 2 inches and his height is fine, but he's little. Not necessarily thin, but small. There could definitely be more rolls going on, that's for sure. His 12-month clothes hang from his body. His pants need to be rolled up at the ankle and rolled down at the waist. He's practically a midget, people! And since I'm weaning him, I'm even more concerned about his weight now.

I know babies go through growth spurts and then the growing slows, they become active and learn how to crawl or walk or whatever, and perhaps his weight was measured at a particularly active time, or something. I've been lightly buttering his veggies and offering loads of peanut butter, fruit, juice, whole milk, avocado, cheese, yogurt, and last night for dinner an entire tub of Crisco. (Ok maybe not really, but it did cross my mind.) It seems like all he'll eat is grilled cheese on whole wheat, french toast made with whole wheat bread, YoBaby yogurt, rice cakes, and freeze dried fruit cubes. It's honestly making me nuts. Oh, and sometimes D will give him a Dorito or two behind my back.

I just don't know what to do. I mean, I guess I'm doing all I can do, right? Making a variety of things regularly available to him? He'll eat what he wants? When he's hungry? It could be that he sees my concern and is rebelling. Maybe I need to pretend like I couldn't care less. It's just that I didn't expect the pickiness to start until he was at least two. Tantrums, too! The first time Ethan protested a diaper change by screaming at the top of his lungs and doing some sort of 80's dance move I was shocked. Like, what the hell are you doing, are you kidding me with this? DOES IT GET WORSE? Lie to me. Please.

When he's not driving me insane he's busy impressing the hell out of me. He does something new and incredible every day, and I'm starting to think he knows how to speak perfect English, he just chooses not to. I'm sure he knows French and Spanish, too. Maybe he's just mature for his age. Maybe he's a 3 year old trapped in an 11-month old's body. Yeah, that's it. So by 2 he should be solving algebraic equations and stuff, right? Crap. I better brush up on my math skills asap.

Yesterday's Grub

1/3 c. (dry measure) oats with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, Splenda and cinnamon
coffee and Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
1 scoop whey protein in 1 c. 1% milk

3 egg whites plus 1 whole egg mixed with 1 T. basil pesto and red onion on a bed of romaine
1 orange
diet mountain dew
green tea

2 lite string cheese
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts
green tea

1 serving of Sara's Italian Beef & Pasta
steamed broccoli

Total cals: 1,605

Workout: Interval Max


Top 10

My mornings are simply not complete without a cuppa coffee and internet access. My top 10 most favorite blogs at the mo', in no particular order:

All & Sundry





Perez Hilton


MO Mommy

Caustic Musings

Go Fug Yourself

That's my daily dose. What are your must-reads?

Yesterday's Food

1/3 c. oats (dry measure) with 1 c. lo-fat cottage cheese, Splenda and cinnamon
coffee with Splenda

scoop of whey mixed with 1 c. 1% milk, coffee and Splenda

1 medium banana
can of chicken mixed with 1 T. basil pesto, lettuce and onion
green tea

2 lite string cheese

Sara's Italian Beef Pasta: 4 oz. lean ground beef cooked with 1 oz. fat-free cream cheese and random spices, then mixed with 1/2 c. canned tomato sauce with 'shrooms and 1 oz. Barilla Plus penne pasta (I actually made 4 servings of this for later in the week... had a pound of lean ground beef in the freezer and half a block of fat-free cream cheese left from last week's recipe)
loads of steamed broccoli and spinach
green tea

sugarless gum

Total cals: 1,430

Workout: 30 minutes step aerobics



Yesterday I did MIS for the first time. OH.MY.GOD. Today my ass is sore in all the right places and my chest, back and shoulders ache in the most satisfying of ways. The leg portion of the workout consists of squats (hate!), deadlifts (love!), plie squats (love!), and lunges lunges lunges every which way (haaaaaate!). Static lunges. Alternating lunges. Lunges OFF THE STEP, the most brutal of all. This workout is truly awesome and I can't wait to do it again on Tuesday. I see what all the hype was about back when it came out. Sweetness.

The party! It was fab. There were a ton of people there and I got to see some of my husband's handy work around their badass house. I drank a ton of Merlot and ate a ton of party food, particularly the sweet stuff, and the mixture of the two created a party-gone-very-wrong in my poor little belly. It wasn't so much the quantity of food as it was just the simple fact that I'm not used to eating that shit anymore, and I haven't touched wine in almost 6 weeks. D and I stayed for (please don't laugh) 2 hours. We went to pick up Ethan and it felt like we'd been gone for days. I missed him, oh I missed him so! We all passed out at like 10 p.m. It was sad. So that was my glorious mommy's night out. This morning I woke up and worked out, and holy hell I am the cardio queen! (Where the hell is my crown?) All those carbs from last night gave me a killer boost. It was awesome.

Yesterday's Grub

Hi-fiber hi-protein french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee with Splenda

The blender broke while I was trying to make my usual beloved shake, so I had a scoop of whey protein in a cuppa coffee with Splenda and it was really good! Like protein hot-chocolate, I guess. I also ate 2 caramel-corn rice cakes for a carb. Heh.

can of light tuna mixed with 1 T. basil pesto and red onion on a bed of romaine
1 orange

wine and party food

Workout: MIS



First off I just want to say that yesterday's post was written at the absolute height of insanity. I woke up in the best of moods yesterday morning, tended to Ethan's every need with a smile and my heart truly ached every time he rubbed his nose or coughed. Late in the day happy Sara turned to mildly annoyed Sara when I was trying to cook Ethan some mac 'n' cheese and he would not let me put him down. Each time I attempted to set him on the floor in front of the t.v. or a favorite toy he would scream and cry and look up at me with tears streaming down his face like please just hold me, that's all I want, I feel so horrible mama! I could never ignore that. I had to hold him. Mildly annoyed turned to moderately stressed when the noodles began sticking to the bottom of the pan and I struggled to stir them because I was holding E and he kept trying to grab at everything, and then the smoke detector went off and I had to put him down for a second to fix it, and that was the end of the world to him. From that point forward he was a snotty red-faced butterball of uncut misery. So of course he wasn't happy with his food, he threw everything onto the floor except for a few pieces of corn and the arrowroot cookies I had bribed him with, and that's when I wrote the post. I was just spread thin, worn out, tired. Exhuasted. Today the dog shat on the rug twice, we had the most horrible 2-hour shopping experience at Wal-Mart EVER, and the blender broke. In case you were wondering.

If there's a point to all this it's that after I posted yesterday and cleaned up Ethan's food, face, hands and highchair, I held him close to my chest, turned off the damn t.v. and went and sat on the couch with him near the Christmas tree. He finally stopped fussing, turned to look at the bright Christmas lights and decorations and started talking to me about it. "Tree, tree" I told him. "Teee" he half-replied. I asked him if I could have a kiss, and for the first time ever he leaned forward open-mouthed and planted a wet one right on my face. We cuddled and relaxed and sat in the light of the tree for a few minutes, and it was wonderful. Just like (*) that all my stress melted away, and I was reminded of how awesome it is to be a mother, how very lucky I am.

Yesterday's Grub

Hi-protein hi-fiber french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee with Splenda

more coffee with Splenda
choco-pb-nana-protein shake, my last until we get a new blender :(

egg salad (3 whites, 1 whole egg) made with basil pesto on whole wheat flatbread with onion and lettuce
green tea

mini MetRx protein bar (was out of fruit, waaaa)
diet coke

lean pocket ultra
3 whole medium carrots (is it weird that I don't peel my carrots, I just give them a good scrub? I am a wascaly wabbit...) (an un-funny wascaly wabbit)
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts

Total cals: 1,500

Workout: 30 minutes step aerobics



I swore I wouldn't whine anymore but that was clearly before the wrath of a sick baby took hold of me and made me want to literally gouge my eyes out with some sort of salad tossing device. FUCK ME. From the constant stream of snot running down his nose that he continually smears all over his face and everything he comes into contact with (you should see the shoulder of my shirt, my gawd, for it is forever crusted with a layer of goo) to the fussing and fussing and fussing and fussing and fussing and fussing and fussing and fussing. I AM SO NOT KIDDING. He wants to be held but he doesn't. Put him down, fuss. Pick him up, fuss. I've tried it all. We have a vaporizer going in his room and I'm trying to show him extra love and attention to make him feel comforted but man, he's miserable. Of course I feel bad for him, and I feel slightly guilty because I am feeling much better and he is just pitiful today.

I provided him with a dinner of spongebob squarepants mac 'n' cheese, buttered green beans, corn, cubes of avocado and hard-boiled egg thinking SURELY HE WILL LIKE AND EAT SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING. Nope. I finally tossed two arrowroot cookies at him because he needs to eat and I am done. My stress level is at an all-time high today and man, if he wants to live off of fucking cookies for the rest of his life then THAT IS FINE WITH ME, if it gives me two precious and glooooorious minutes of peace and quiet then it is so freaking WORTH IT.

You know what would make this more tolerable? If Ethan were to stop for just a moment, for a fraction of a second, and say to me Dearest Mother, I sincerely appreciate all you do for me, for you are a goddess, beautiful and bright. Then I might be able to go a bit longer without having a nervous breakdown.

Tomorrow night we are going to a party and leaving Ethan at Drew's parent's house for a few hours. At first I was all oh, but he's sick! He's not feeling well! I don't want to go! but now? I'm counting down the hours until we GET to leave him, and you best believe I will be drinking wine and taking my top off, or at least having some wine and talking to other people who do not have snot streaming down their nose.

Yesterday's Fucking Food

Hi-protein hi-fiber french toast with sugar free syrup
coffee with Splenda

choco-pb-nana-protein shake
coffee with Splenda

3 oz. salmon with onion, lettuce and 1/4 avocado on a lo-carb whole wheat flatbread
diet rootbeer

2 lite string cheese
green tea

5 oz. talipia
sweet tater with 1 T. basil pesto
green beans
green tea

1 oz. mixed nuts

Total cals: 1,560

Workout: sick day, but I organized EVERY cabinet in the kitchen and took E for another walk if that counts for anything.

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