
Mid-week Randomness

Wheeeew! Ethan is in bed, I'm sipping some Merlot, it's gorgeous outside and the bathroom is clean. 'Tis a good day here at the Mordant Conceit HQ. Tomorrow is Thursday and Friday will follow, at least that's how it usually goes, and that means that THE WEEKEND is right around the corner. Sweet.


I disturbed myself yesterday when I was weaving in and out of traffic by unknowingly singing along to a Nickelback song. Gah, if there's one thing high on my list of BLECH, it's greasy-haired all-male rock bands that drone on and on about old photographs and love. Unfortunately I seemed to know all the lyrics. Why is that? It always seems like I'm saying Gah, I HATE this song, and then I'll sing along like I wrote the damn thing myself. This happens with most Fergie and Snoop Dogg songs, too. I have a love-hate relationship with trendy top 10 hits, I guess.


We're going bowling this weekend! Bowling! Mind you, I'll be using my carefully perfected granny-throw technique, but I am excited nonetheless. Lessthenone. I am very much looking forward to it. Gee, has that Merlot kicked in yet? Ya think? D and I are going with my co-worker and her husband, which means that we just might actually have some 100% genuine friends now. Gasp! For the love of gawd, please do not let us act too desperate or eager. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up humping their legs and begging to make plans for the next weekend by the end of the night, but I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that we come across as cool, calm and collected. Also: I hope D doesn't drink too much and make a complete ass out of himself. Not that he's been known to do that in the past or anything. (snicker, snicker) I'm just sayin'. (Pray for us.) (Thank you.)


I watched the video that Kek has up on her site and giggled with glee at everyone's unbeatably cool accents. A few weeks ago a daycare worker told me I have a serious Texas twang. I smiled and told her that I had recently moved here from Texas, but secretly I wanted to kick her in the nose for offending me. Today, however, an associate from another office called and we talked briefly, and she asked me if I was from Canada. Yes!, I told her, I sure am!, and she said that she picked up on my accent immediately. I have never been told this before, but it basically made my day. From Canada to Texas to Louisiana. May God have mercy on my soul. (And my accent.) (Yeehaw.) (Y'all.) (Heh.)


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Sara said...

How did the adult socialising go? We are a bit like you guys. All of our friends are overseas and we have, in fact, NO close friends here - except my sister, which is all good for sure. Lately one of my buds was visiting from England and I had to keep reminding myself that going out with Jase and me was not the WHOLE reason for his being in NZ and.. *perhaps* there was other stuff he wanted to do.. without us, for example?

At 4:32 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Hey, where'd my comment go? I swear, I wrote a comment of genius wit yesterday and yet it hasn't shown up. Blogger is certainly quirky.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Kek said...

I miss your posts!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter.



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