

My sis and her fiance just left. Noooo! Their visit went by way too quickly and I miss them again already. *sigh* My mom and company are coming next Friday, so I have that to look forward to.

Today we braved the mall and got Ethan's very first professional haircut. 'Bout time! It's short but it looks really cute and makes his face appear rounder. I love it! This means that I no longer have to spend 15 minutes wiping peanut butter from his curls. Awesome. Ethan was a mess during the cut, but the stylist was super cool and told me that he was actually being good compared to most kids. (Of course that was a total LIE, but I pretended to believe her.) Anyway, now our baby doesn't look like we picked him up off the street corner. Horray!


Going out last night wasn't the big sha-bang I expected it to be. We got to the bar too early, they got my sister's order wrong (her PLAIN burger came with the works.... it really seems like ordering something PLAIN is the hardest order to actually get right, oddly enough), D decided to get an impulse tattoo but the tat shop was booked for the rest of the night (probably a good thing, a SIGN to NOT get MY NAME tattooed on his arm... we'd have been divorced by this afternoon, because you know that's just how those things go), but then we headed to down town Baton Rouge where they were filming a movie! My inner star-struck kid sprang to life and I made D park so we could all walk AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to see the action. We stood there talking to a rather friendly security guard about fifteen feet away from the set. It was soooo coooool! There were people walking around with food trays, offering snacks to the people on set, and they yelled action and cut and quiet on the set, etc. I giddily bounced from foot to foot to get the best view possible, because surely Brad Pitt would walk out any minute. I honestly don't think there were any really big names in the flick, but it was the real movie-shootin' deal and it was kewl with a capital K just the same.


I joined a gym! It's a women's gym about 3 minutes from my office. They have other facilities in the area that are for men AND women, but this particular gym is chicks only. I love it. I can't wait to incorporate the treadmill and elliptical and rowing machine into my regime, not to mention all the classes they offer. Spinning! Ultimate fat burner! Advanced step! Body bar! Yoga! I am very, VERY excited. My goal is to go three times a week after work when D picks up the bebe, and then I'll do 2 total body weight workouts at home each week and an additional cardio workout or two on the weekends. Sweetness. I've been working out consistently as ever, but I must admit that I'm growing tired of doing step aerobics and kickboxing in my living room while Ethan impatiently waits in his highchair. This will add some much needed variety and a welcome change of scenery.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Erin said...

What? No photo of the new hair-do? Please! We want to see it!

Also, did you save some of the hair? Isn't that something we're supposed to do? I'm considering not doing it. That is, if we ever decide to cut Cal's hair. We'll have to make a total break with the old hair. No souveniers. No looking back.


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