
muther of gawd

no time for correct spelling or grammar, as i am typing this one handed because ethan has not let me put him down all day. you should SEE my right bicep! in summary: i spiked a fever after we put e down for the night and now my throat is swollen like roseanne barr's ass. i am also achey, generally delirious and covered with dried snot and eye boogers from e using me as his personal kleenex. drew woke up last night at around 2 a.m. barfing his brains out. he has THE BUG that e seems to be over and i'm wondering if i am next. XXX your fingers AND yer toes. thanks.

e has louisiana medicaid and when i called his PCP this morning he told me he was out till wednesday. i called the medicaid nurse line which was a big fat waste of time and finally ended up calling the doc back to ask WHAT the FUCK are we supposed TO DO? he told me to take him to a 24-hour facility but i know they don't cover medicaid. sorry doc, try again. he finally said to take e to the children's ER. greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat. just how i wanted to spend my morning fuckety fuck fuck fuckery with fuck on top.

fortunately we were in and out way before i expected to be but that did not stop me from having a total nervous and emotional breakdown in the hospital. the tears would not stop and people kept offering me water and tissue. one lady told me i might not be ok to drive. we went to the pharmacy to fill e's eye drops and antibiotic (diagnosis: pink eye, upper resp infection and a fucking ear infection, he totally got the poo poo platter of daycare sickness). we got home and e finally ate a cracker and drank more pedialyte. next i proceeded to torture him by administering his medications and holy shit, that kid is mighty strong with his will of ga-damn STEEL. while he napped i went into the office where they looked my sorry ass up and down and promptly shooed me away. they are the greatest people EVER. i am so lucky to have this job. gah. tomorrow the daycare and school's are closed for FAT TUESDAY, but of course i am not off from work. so, i must enlist the help of d's mom to watch ethan while i'm at work. gah. i hope i don't get the pukes. please gawd have mercy on my soul.


At 6:55 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Oh, SO SORRY! I feel for you so much and wish we were close enough to offer some help. How about a heavy dose of sympathy? Sucks, sucks, SUCKS to all be that sick.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Over here in NZ we currently have the snot nose variety of something. Lots of green snot - it's pointless to try and wipe it.. it just comes back. However, I do have a nice slimy patch on my jeans where Jasmine has been using me like a hanky. Three weeks in daycare and she's only been there about 7 days of it! Carolyn has had meetings to got to so Aunty Sara has been on snot-nose duty. ... I'm just trying to stop short of disinfecting everything she touches!

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Kek said...

Eeeuw! Much sympathy from over here, but please keep your disgusting germs wa-a-ay over there.

We've been lucky - Aaron had a NASTY bug on Wednesday with festoons of snot, sore throat AND a fever of 101. But on Thursday he was fine and went to school. How do kids bounce back like that?


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