I am in *HELL*...
pure hell. Perhaps I'm being a bit whiny here, but
GAWD. I can take it no more. Work. People bitching, complaining, sarcasm (not the good kind, the feel-sorry-for-me-I'm-so-swamped kind)... and if you're so
FUCKING BUSY, why are you on the phone chattering away about
MINDLESS BULLSHIT for... let's see, it's been nearly 20 minutes by now! I do not feel sorry for you, you who do not use your time wisely. PRIORITIZE, bitch! Prioritize!
:: Ahem ::
So beneath this work-related rage, beyond the role of the bitchy hormonal fire breathing beast of a woman that I play so well, there is a very tender and loving heart that is super excited about the upcoming arrival of her new baby boy. I have made the decision to NOT take a childbirth class. I repeat, I am
NOT taking a childbirth class. I would go postal if I had to sit through A) a weekend (meaning 2 8-hour sessions in 2 days) or B) 6 2 1/2-hour night sessions consisting of a handful of other clueless first time parents asking one stupid question after the next. I simply could not bare it. I know this about myself. I know that my head would spin exorcist style and that I'd eventually get kicked out of the class for shooting laser beams out of my eyes. So I am not taking the class. Instead, I've signed up for:
1/Babycare basics
2/CPR & baby safety
3/Breastfeeding 101
I believe I'll get much more use out of these courses, plus they're a single session of 3 hours or less. Sweet. SWEET!
And by the way, he's now been on the phone for almost a half hour. No pity party here, mr. bossman!