

I watched Fast Food Nation last night. D thought it was "slow" and scratched his head at the end, but I totally got the message as the movie brought up some interesting points that I don't think I would have considered on my own. And honestly, the cow killing scene at the very end sent me into a fit of uncontrollable tears. At this point I'm not sure I'll ever eat red meat again, and I'm swearing off fast food altogether. I haven't had it anyway in a long while, and now I am utterly and completely turned off. The movie was a dramatization of what does and could go on behind the scenes of any good ol' American fast food chain. It brings up everything from the way the animals are treated to contaminated meat to immigrant workers at the meat processing plants to marketing to environmental issues. The list goes on and on and I had a very, VERY bad taste in my mouth at the end. And I was a snotty mess from the cow thing. It really was awful. I don't know why I love cows so much. They certainly are delicious but if THAT'S the way they live their lives and that's the way they die, I'm not so sure a little taste sensation on my end is worth it. Plus I'm partial to cow-loving because E is nuts about them. (What does a cow say? Mooooooooooooo!) I'll stick with chicken and eggs and cottage cheese, thanks. Of course, this brings up how chickens are treated and to go free range or not to go free range, and on and on and on. You can't win. Please don't tell me any chicken horror stories. At least wait a few days. I went grocery shopping this morning with a list I created yesterday afternoon. I scratched "steak" off the list.


The entire family is fighting off some funk. E had a slight fever this morning and D has been hacking and coughing and weezing so much that I almost want to pack him up and send him to a hotel until he is OVER IT ALREADY. He's already been sleeping on the couch for the last week. I think we both prefer that sleeping arrangement now and I'm actually starting to understand why my aunt and uncle have separate rooms. That is the smartest idea I have ever heard of. Separate rooms. I'll take mine with a deadbolt, please.


My family is coming to visit in 3 weeks and I don't know if I can wait. I really think my head might explode before they arrive. Mom? Larry? Nowell and Robin? I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS! HURRY, PLEASE HURRY! DRIVE AS FAST AS YOU CAN! I MISS YOU SO! (I might lick them when they get here because they all taste so sweet.)


I'm down another pound, which means that after almost 9 weeks of Precision Nutrition I have lost 8.5 pounds. I am so very happy with my progress so far. I'm in size 8 bottoms (and they are loose!) and M tops. I was a size 12/XL when I began PN. My fatloss goal is to wear a size 6 and weigh around 135 pounds. That's a great, maintainable weight for my height and build (5'5"). I'm so close! Not only am I shedding fat at a safe and steady rate, I'm also keeping all my hard-earned muscle and perhaps even building some, too. But the best part is that I'm loving my food and enjoying training hard and it's all very balanced and wonderful. I am a fit person. I lead a healthy, fitness oriented lifestyle and I love it, and I am so proud to say that. Balance, meet Sara. Sara, meet Balance. (Hey there! Where ya been all my life?)


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Kek said...

Yay for you! Sounds like you've really got it all figured out. :)

Got any of that balance to spare?

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw! I hope everyone gets over their illnesses. That stinks!
I understand how you feel about the cows--ya can't look 'em in the eye.

I'm curious, but does PN require you to measure and count everything and are you working out 2 hours a day?

That eat every 3 hours never worked for me and I'm finding as I get older I can't pound myself with the extra cardio.


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