Please think of me today. Give me strength to get through this day. Friday. It's the only thing that has me hanging on. By definition, Friday means "day of hope" or "hang-on-you-can-do-it-just-one-more-day". It also means "last day of hell until next week". I like Friday.
So, I need some thoughts and prayers. And strength. Strength to TUNE OUT my boss as he brags about his new pool. And I don't mean brag like "Hey I'm getting a new pool", I mean brag as in 'look around to see everyone's reaction and get a woody he's so proud of himself' bragging. I could literally hurl at the site of it.
Also? Give me strength so that I CAN stand the site of him. This man is about 5'7", wears these way-too-big shoes and tapered pants (occasionally loafers, which... gag me!), and has what is well known as LITTLE MAN SYNDROME. He has the worst case I've ever seen. EVER. In the whole wide world. And there's NOTHING WORSE than him when he comes up to my desk and just stands there, staring at me. I NEVER make eye contact with this man. I *might* burn holes in him if I do. He's told me I'm overbearing and bitchy like his wife. I wonder if she knows that he looks at disgusting porn all day long online. Many times I catch him. He always has something else pulled up to "toggle" to if I walk in. But sometimes I catch him and he'll show me like it's some big joke. "Har, har" he'll laugh. Truly disgusting. Another employee has walked in on him jacking off. Apparently he thought he was alone as it was almost closing time. I hope he felt more shame than he has ever felt in his dirty little life.
He once asked me if I'd ever had sex for money. Um.... NO!?! What the fuck kind of question was this? "No, but I'd sure love to start big daddy!" I'm thinking this was the desired response from me. Pardon me while I PUKE MY BRAINS OUT.
Meanwhile? This man tells me I'm going to hell if I don't "change my ways", and he has expressed SEVERE disappointment and disapproval about me having this baby to people we do business with. Good GAWD I could spit in his face and walk out a happy camper RIGHT NOW.
What's keeping me here? INSURANCE. Gotta have it for the baby. So I'm toughing it out until the beginning of next year.
So please, give me strength. Thank you.