
Sleep, Sweet Sleep!

As I wade through my 32nd week of pregnancy, I must aknowledge that I have been extremely lucky and/or blessed so far. My major complaints up until now have been pretty minimal: frequent and increasingly urgent potty breaks, breakouts that only a 14-year old could understand, being even more of a bitch than normal and napping like I'm three times my age. Now I've got a brand spankin' new problem that is killing me slowly but surely, one that I think will last long after lil' E is here: the inability to sleep. I try to get my healthy dose of 7 - 7.5 hours a night, but it's H-A-R-D. I seriously wake up to pee at least 3 times a night, AT LEAST. In a basic 7-hour stretch, that means that I am asleep for no more than 2 to 3 hours at a time. And I seem to be waking at the same times each night: 11:15 p.m., 1:30 a.m., 2:45 a.m., 3:30 a.m. and these days at 4:20 a.m., 40 minutes before my alarm goes off. Dear god.

Also? The hip thing. I spend the majority of the night sleeping on my left side, with a pillow between my legs. My hips hurt. Oh, the agony! My hips feel like an old creaky door sounds, if that makes any sense at all. This is due to increased relaxin, a hormone that limbers you up during pregnancy in preparation for birth, I know. Thanks. I may be able to do the splits 5 ways, but I sure as hell can't get a decent night's sleep.

One more thing... Sweet husband o'mine? STOP TAKING ALL OF THE COVERS. You tug on them and tuck them into every tuckable place on your body... between your legs, under your back, between your neck and shoulders. You basically wrap yourself in covers so you look like a mummy, and most nights I wake up shivering with nothing but a 1' x 1' corner to cover up with. I don't consider myself to be weak by any means, but prying the covers out from between your bear-trap knees is more than I can handle at 3 a.m. So honey? Ease up a bit. Thanks. And I love you!

2 noteworthy dreams:

1/That I had an aggressive brain tumor that required surgery every single day. I was awake during each surgery, and the surgeon was my OB GYN.
2/That I gave birth to a girl. And everything we have is for a BOY. I actually woke up in a panic thinking that we had to return everything.

We're in the home stretch! I can't wait to meet you, Ethan! I'll love you even if you DO have a cheeseburger instead of that hotdog the doctor pointed out so clearly!


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Kel said...

I'm sending big hugs to you. I'm in my (almost) 38th week and have battled the hip thing for quite a while. I hate how painful it can get.

I've been doing an excercise (you probably know this) where you either place a pillow or a small ball between your knees and squeeze for about 5-10 seconds. It helps, but is painful to do as well.

Good luck!

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my husband used to take all the covers too. now we sleep with seperate blankets. no longer do i wake up cold as an ice cube while he slumbers peacefully.


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