

Ethan has suddenly started shaking his head no. NO! Can you believe it? I'm not sure if he knows what in shit's name he's doing or what it means, but it really seems like he does. I'll say "Come here!" and smile and hold out my arms and he'll sit across the room and shake his head. Last night his great grandma said "Clap those hands, boy!" and smiled and clapped and he shook his head no. I suppose he picked this up from me. When he's trying to get into something he shouldn't I'll say "No, no, no. That's (hot-sharp-dangerous-yucky-poisonous-a bobcat-etc.)" and I'll dramatically shake my head. Sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn't. If he's already telling me no, what's next? Critiquing my clothes? Telling me how to style my hair? "Oh for Christmas sakes, mom. You're not honestly going to wear that to the store are you? Can you walk a few feet in front of me then? And get that hideous scrunchy out of your hair!"

Also? He is almost-totally-for-real-I-swear-to-you talking. Because he equates diaper changing with having bamboo shoots shoved under his fingernails, I've found that giving him a book to read (read meaning chew on) while I tend to his stinky ass makes the experience less painful for everyone involved. I'll say "Here, would you like a book? BOOK?" and he'll look at me and study my mouth and say "Bo--. Bo--." Add the --ok and you've got BOOK, baby. Or, I'll say "Are you ready for your bath? BATH?" and he'll say "Ba? Ba?". You guessed right, add the TH and hello! he is practically ready to read War and Peace.

At the very least I'm sure we could get him on Wheel of Fortune.


At 3:23 AM, Blogger Kek said...

There is no doubt about it, Ethan is obviously gifted. You better skip all the baby stuff and book him straight into university.

At 4:21 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Just wait.. in a few weeks the head shaking becomes a full body thing, sometimes accompanied by strange head banging behaviour.. the art of the tanty. It is something to behold. My niece Jasmine is a real head banger when things don't go her way. Then she gets upset because her head hurts and so she throws another head banging tantrum.
I'm sure none of us were ever like that. It must be a modern baby directive.


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