
It's Just Wrong...

It happened innocently enough. Ethan wakes from his nap this morning. I change his diaper. Feed him mixed grain cereal with bananas, berries and juice, and then I let him practice finger foods with a few small cubes of cheese. The morning is rolling along smoothly enough. Today's goal: deep clean the kitchen and living room. I slump Ethan in his Exersaucer after his meal and turn on the t.v. I know this will buy me 5 or 10 minutes to clean up his highchair and maybe wipe the counters down in the kitchen. I change the channel to Louisiana Public Broadcasting, which shows Sesame Street and the like. I head back into the kitchen to clean up. I hear giggling. And more giggling. I turn my head around and lay my eyes on every mother's worst nightmare (que the horror music): Ethan was watching Teletubbies. Not just watching, but watching and liking Teletubbies. He was slouched down in his Exersaucer and slightly leaning towards the t.v. with a huge smile on his face, as if to say, hey old friends, where ya been? remember our crazy college days together? that one time, with the beer bottle and that firecracker in the port-a-potty? My worst fear has come true.


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