
Some of my fave-o things

More of my favorite things:

1/Brushing my teeth
2/Cereal with soy milk
3/Calling in at the last minute
4/Napolean Dynamite (vote for Pedro y'all)
5/Realizing that it's not as bad as I thought
6/Mom's lemon meringue pie
7/Getting money back from the government (t'was mine anyway...)
8/Our new dog (Angel, a baby pit bull... I heart her!)
9/Our old dog (Bogart, a young chihuahua... I heart him, too!)
10/The IDEA of baking something

And some things that just suck:

1/Being lazy
2/The Mall (dum, dum, DUM...I LOATHE it)
3/Super Wal-Mart on the weekends (get. me. outta. here.)
4/My inbox
5/Realizing that it's worse than I thought
6/Texas weather
7/Biting your cheek (F*CK!!!)
8/Biting your cheek again in the same spot (&%*# &*@&#*#@!!!)
9/When our dogs poo in the house
10/Actually baking something

Happy Monday to all.
Happy Birthday to me, Ashton Kutcher & Chris Rock.


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